If you want your house sold quickly, for top dollar, and you want to experience a flawlessly smooth process, then choose Mary Anthony as your agent. I had my house on the market for 6 months with another agent and did not even get an offer. With Mary, the house sold in 10 days, with additional parties interested in the property, and for more than the asking price. With her background in art, and her standard practice of staging the property, she made the property look like a model home that proved attractive to numerous buyers. Small changes that she recommended like taking down heavy looking drapes and painting a room to make it more inviting really made a positive difference in the feel of the house. We rented some furniture, but many of the pieces and the art work came from her personal collection, at no cost. After the house inspection, the buyers wanted 10 things “fixed”, like grounding an electrical distribution panel, installing weather stripping, and repairing one piece of wood that was dry rotted. Instead of handing the list to me and saying I should get these things done, she provided names of proven contractors who would do the specific work in a timely and cost efficient manner. She even contacted many of them herself to set up the work. Her willingness to be involved in the repairs made the process go smoothly and greatly reduced my stress. I most strongly recommend Mary Anthony as the agent that will exceed your expectations
Frank Polic